The Webhooks section allows you to configure webhooks, which are notifications sent automatically by Splitit to a URL of your choice when specific events occur.
Viewing and Searching Webhooks: Use the Search Bar to find specific webhooks by entering relevant keywords
Managing Webhooks: Use the toggle switches next to each webhook to turn it on or off
Updating Webhooks: If a webhook URL has changed, enter the new URL under the appropriate webhook and click Update
List of Available Webhooks
All Webhooks
Webhook Name | Event in Response Object | Description |
Bin data changed | BinDataChanged | shopper's bin data changed |
Charge succeeded/charge failed | ChargeSucceeded/ChargeFailed | scheduled monthly charge succeeded/failed |
Customer credit card update succeeded | CustomerCreditCardUpdateSucceeded | card update succeeded |
Customer credit card update failed | CustomerCreditCardUpdateFailed | card update failed |
Customer details update succeeded/customer details update failed | CustomerDetailsUpdateSucceeded, CustomerDetailsUpdateFailed | customer details update succeeded/failed |
Dispute opened | DisputeOpened | sent upon dispute received notification from gateway |
Dispute lost | DisputeLost | dispute lost notification |
Dispute won | DisputeWon | dispute won notification |
Dispute closed | DisputeClosed | dispute closed notification |
Dispute pending | DisputePending | dispute pending notification |
Full capture failed/full capture succeeded | FullCaptureFailed, FullCaptureSucceeded | full installment plan capture succeeded/failed |
Merchant financed | MerchantFinanced | money is transferred to the merchant in a funded model |
Plan approved failed/plan approved succeeded | PlanApprovedSucceeded, PlanApprovedFailed | plan approval by shopper succeeded/failed |
Plan cancelled succeeded/plan cancelled failed | PlanCancelledSucceeded, PlanCancelledFailed | plan cancellation succeeded/failed |
Plan cleared | PlanCleared | plan outstanding amount = 0 |
Plan created succeeded/plan created failed | PlanCreatedSucceeded/PlanCreatedFailed | plan creation (and authorization) succeeded or failed |
Plan delayed | PlanDelayed | plan entered delay for whatever reason |
Plan deleted | PlanDeleted | plan successfully deleted |
Plan recovered | PlanRecovered | plan recovered after delay |
Plan secured auth reminder should be sent | PlanSecuredAuthReminderShouldBeSent | plan secured, send auth reminder |
Plan updated succeeded/plan updated failed | PlanUpdatedSucceeded, PlanUpdatedFailed | plan update succeeded/failed |
Refund completed | RefundCompleted | a successful refund was processed |
Retry succeeded | RetrySucceeded | successful retry |
Retry failed | RetryFailed | failed retry |
Secure auth succeeded | SecureAuthSucceeded | successful secure auth |
Secure auth failed | SecureAuthFailed | failed secure auth |
Start installments succeeded/start installments failed | StartInstallmentsSucceeded, StartInstallmentsFailed | first installment succeeded/failed |
Example Webhook Responses
"InstallmentPlanEventType": "PlanCreatedSucceeded",
"InstallmentPlan": {
"InstallmentPlanNumber": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"InstallmentPlanStatus": {
"Id": 3,
"Code": "InProgress",
"Description": "In Progress"
"Amount": {
"Value": 235.3,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"OutstandingAmount": {
"Value": 156.87,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"NumberOfInstallments": 3,
"NumberOfProcessedInstallments": 1,
"OriginalAmount": {
"Value": 235.3,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"RefundAmount": {
"Value": 0,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"Consumer": {
"Id": "0",
"UserName": "jghhncc",
"FullName": "John Smith",
"Email": "jghhncc@splitit.com",
"PhoneNumber": "+972-546620588",
"CultureName": "en-US",
"RoleName": null,
"IsLocked": false,
"IsDataRestricted": false
"ActiveCard": {
"CardId": null,
"CardNumber": "**** **** **** 1114",
"CardExpMonth": "9",
"CardExpYear": "2019",
"CardBrand": {
"Id": 2,
"Code": "Visa",
"Description": "VISA"
"CardType": {
"Id": 1,
"Code": "Credit",
"Description": "CREDIT"
"Bin": "411111",
"CardHolderFullName": "John Smith",
"CardCvv": "[Filtered]",
"Address": {
"AddressLine": "street 1",
"AddressLine2": "Appartment 1",
"City": "TUCSON",
"Country": "US",
"State": "NY",
"Zip": "22222"
"Token": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
"Terminal": {
"Id": xxxxx,
"Code": "WebApiTestChargeAfterTerminal",
"Description": "WebApiTestTerminal"
"Merchant": {
"Id": xxxxx,
"Code": "webapitest",
"Description": "WebApiTest"
"RefOrderNumber": "xxxxx",
"PurchaseMethod": {
"Id": 3,
"Code": "ECommerce",
"Description": "E-Commerce"
"Strategy": {
"Id": 1,
"Code": "SecuredPlan",
"Description": "Secured"
"DelayResolution": null,
"ExtendedParams": {
"AnyParameterKey1": "AnyParameterVal1",
"AnyParameterKey2": "AnyParameterVal2"
"IsFullCaptured": false,
"IsChargedBack": false,
"ArePaymentsOnHold": false,
"ScpFundingPercent": 0,
"TestMode": "None",
"CreationDateTime": "2021-08-21T05:09:09.3181228+00:00",
"Installments": [
"InstallmentNumber": 1,
"Amount": {
"Value": 78.43,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"OriginalAmount": {
"Value": 78.43,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"RefundAmount": {
"Value": 0,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"ProcessDateTime": "2021-08-21T05:09:15.1681603Z",
"IsRefund": false,
"RequiredCredit": {
"Value": 235.3,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"CreatedDateTime": "2021-08-21T05:09:12.3913425Z",
"Status": {
"Id": 3,
"Code": "Finished",
"Description": "Finished"
"TransactionResults": [
"GatewayTransactionId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"GatewayResultCode": "1",
"GatewayResultMessage": "Capture Succeeded",
"OperationType": {
"Id": 2,
"Code": "Capture",
"Description": "Captured"
"GatewayResult": true,
"GatewayTransactionDate": "2018-08-21T05:09:15.12136+00:00"
"GatewayTransactionId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"GatewayResultCode": "1",
"GatewayResultMessage": "Authorize Succeeded",
"OperationType": {
"Id": 1,
"Code": "Authorize",
"Description": "Approved"
"GatewayResult": true,
"GatewayTransactionDate": "2018-08-21T05:09:13.7797514+00:00"
"CardDetails": {
"CardId": null,
"CardNumber": "**** **** **** 1114",
"CardExpMonth": "9",
"CardExpYear": "2019",
"CardBrand": {
"Id": 2,
"Code": "Visa",
"Description": "VISA"
"CardType": {
"Id": 1,
"Code": "Credit",
"Description": "CREDIT"
"Bin": "411111",
"CardHolderFullName": "John Smith",
"CardCvv": "[Filtered]",
"Address": {
"AddressLine": "street 1",
"AddressLine2": "Appartment 1",
"City": "TUCSON",
"Country": "US",
"State": "NY",
"Zip": "22222"
"Token": null
"Result": true
"InstallmentNumber": 2,
"Amount": {
"Value": 78.43,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"OriginalAmount": {
"Value": 78.43,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"RefundAmount": {
"Value": 0,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"ProcessDateTime": "2018-09-21T05:09:14.6221568Z",
"IsRefund": false,
"RequiredCredit": {
"Value": 156.87,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"CreatedDateTime": "2018-08-21T05:09:12.3913425Z",
"Status": {
"Id": 2,
"Code": "WaitingForProcessDate",
"Description": "Waiting for process date"
"TransactionResults": [],
"CardDetails": null,
"Result": null
"InstallmentNumber": 3,
"Amount": {
"Value": 78.44,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"OriginalAmount": {
"Value": 78.44,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"RefundAmount": {
"Value": 0,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"ProcessDateTime": "2018-10-21T05:09:14.6221568Z",
"IsRefund": false,
"RequiredCredit": {
"Value": 78.44,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"CreatedDateTime": "2018-08-21T05:09:12.3913425Z",
"Status": {
"Id": 2,
"Code": "WaitingForProcessDate",
"Description": "Waiting for process date"
"TransactionResults": [],
"CardDetails": null,
"Result": null
"SecureAuthorizations": [
"ProcessingDate": "2018-08-21T05:09:13.2649481+00:00",
"Amount": {
"Value": 156.87,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"TransactionResults": [
"GatewayTransactionId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"GatewayResultCode": "1",
"GatewayResultMessage": "Authorize Succeeded",
"OperationType": {
"Id": 1,
"Code": "Authorize",
"Description": "Approved"
"GatewayResult": true,
"GatewayTransactionDate": "2018-08-21T05:09:13.2025477+00:00"
"CardDetails": {
"CardId": null,
"CardNumber": "**** **** **** 1114",
"CardExpMonth": "9",
"CardExpYear": "2019",
"CardBrand": {
"Id": 2,
"Code": "Visa",
"Description": "VISA"
"CardType": {
"Id": 1,
"Code": "Credit",
"Description": "CREDIT"
"Bin": "411111",
"CardHolderFullName": "John Smith",
"CardCvv": "[Filtered]",
"Address": {
"AddressLine": "street 1",
"AddressLine2": "Appartment 1",
"City": "TUCSON",
"Country": "US",
"State": "NY",
"Zip": "22222"
"Token": null
"Result": true
= the final amount the merchant will eventually receive
= the amount of the original plan
= the date when the transfer occurred (not the date when the money arrives at the merchant's bank, as it generally takes a few days)
"InstallmentPlanEventType": "MerchantFinanced",
"InstallmentPlan": {
"InstallmentPlanNumber": "xxxxxxxxxx",
"AmountForFunding": xxx,
"AmountForFundingCurrency": "USD",
"OriginalPlanAmount": xxxx,
"OriginalPlanAmountCurrency": "USD",
"MerchantFinancedDate": "xxxx-xx-13T10:26:13.073"
"InstallmentPlanEventType": "FullCaptureFailed",
"InstallmentPlan": {
"InstallmentPlanNumber": "44224570084650485584",
"InstallmentPlanStatus": {
"Id": 6,
"Code": "Cleared",
"Description": "Cleared"
"Amount": {
"Value": 121,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"OutstandingAmount": {
"Value": 0,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"NumberOfInstallments": 2,
"NumberOfProcessedInstallments": 2,
"OriginalAmount": {
"Value": 121,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"RefundAmount": {
"Value": 0,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"Consumer": {
"Id": "87eba066-fab5-4f9d-bf1e-0afba4a5f2e1",
"UniqueId": "87eba066-fab5-4f9d-bf1e-0afba4a5f2e1",
"UserName": "184858bc_JohnS@splitit.com",
"FullName": "John Smith",
"Email": "JohnS@splitit.com",
"PhoneNumber": "2342342342",
"CultureName": "en-US",
"RoleName": null,
"IsLocked": false,
"IsDataRestricted": false,
"IsDataPrivateRestricted": false
"ActiveCard": {
"CardId": "SMYwb/LMMbb782wYWyfck8DFcO8u29KCbjWkEy4BEOPGX+2c9688y/+v0DTpSAQntptWF+P81OUNJhKV7d3LHA==",
"CardNumber": "************1111",
"CardExpMonth": "12",
"CardExpYear": "2030",
"CardBrand": {
"Id": 2,
"Code": "Visa",
"Description": "VISA"
"CardType": {
"Id": 1,
"Code": "Credit",
"Description": "CREDIT"
"Bin": "411111",
"CardHolderFullName": "John Smith",
"CardCvv": "[Filtered]",
"Address": {
"AddressLine": "Error MYCUSTOMERROR filter Authorization FirstInstallmentFinished",
"AddressLine2": "Apartment 1",
"City": "New York",
"Country": "US",
"State": "NY",
"Zip": "10016",
"FullAddressLine": "Error MYCUSTOMERROR filter Authorization FirstInstallmentFinished,Apartment 1,New York,NY,US"
"Token": "a7381782-2aba-4829-b475-29442e2d7b1c"
"FraudCheck": null,
"Terminal": {
"Id": 31817,
"Code": null,
"Description": "Splitit Tech Writer"
"Merchant": {
"Name": "Splitit Tech Writer_1",
"Id": 31658,
"Code": "splitittechwriter1",
"Description": "Splitit Tech Writer_1"
"RefOrderNumber": "xxxxxx",
"PurchaseMethod": {
"Id": 3,
"Code": "ECommerce",
"Description": "E-Commerce"
"Strategy": {
"Id": 1,
"Code": "SecuredPlan",
"Description": "Secured"
"DelayResolution": null,
"ExtendedParams": {
"AnyParameterKey1": "AnyParameterVal1",
"AnyParameterKey2": "AnyParameterVal2",
"acceptHeader": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q",
"colorDepth": "24",
"javaEnabled": "false",
"javascriptEnabled": "true",
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"timeZoneOffset": "240",
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"challengeWindowSize": "Small",
"browser_size": "01",
"forterToken": "da5514225d994c548cc6f957d672df56_1665163691592__UDF4_9ck"
"IsFullCaptured": true,
"IsChargedBack": false,
"ArePaymentsOnHold": false,
"ScpFundingPercent": 0,
"FundingStatus": "Monthly",
"TestMode": "None",
"CreationDateTime": "2022-10-07T17:27:30.28",
"LifeTimeUrlExpirationTime": "2022-10-14T17:27:30.28",
"Installments": [
"InstallmentNumber": 1,
"Amount": {
"Value": 60.5,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"OriginalAmount": {
"Value": 60.5,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"RefundAmount": {
"Value": 0,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"ProcessDateTime": "2022-10-07T17:28:30.25",
"IsRefund": false,
"RequiredCredit": {
"Value": 181.5,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"CreatedDateTime": "2022-10-07T17:28:10.537",
"Status": {
"Id": 3,
"Code": "Finished",
"Description": "Finished"
"TransactionResults": [
"GatewayTransactionId": "b4ebf438-da3f-4bed-846f-f13f5f30a4f7",
"SplititTransactionId": 0,
"SplititGatewayTransactionId": "9d2b4022-ff69-403e-a21c-0336498682f0",
"GatewayResultCode": "1",
"GatewayResultMessage": "Capture Succeeded",
"OperationType": {
"Id": 2,
"Code": "Capture",
"Description": "Captured"
"GatewayResult": true,
"GatewayTransactionDate": "2022-10-07T17:28:30.213Z",
"IsChargeback": false,
"AVSResult": null,
"CVCResult": null
"GatewayTransactionId": "b4ebf438-da3f-4bed-846f-f13f5f30a4f7",
"SplititTransactionId": 0,
"SplititGatewayTransactionId": "45be65bb-12a3-4b76-ba53-fc4d287f9747",
"GatewayResultCode": "1",
"GatewayResultMessage": "Authorize Succeeded",
"OperationType": {
"Id": 1,
"Code": "Authorize",
"Description": "Approved"
"GatewayResult": true,
"GatewayTransactionDate": "2022-10-07T17:28:29.875Z",
"IsChargeback": false,
"AVSResult": null,
"CVCResult": null
"CardDetails": {
"CardId": "SMYwb/LMMbb782wYWyfck8DFcO8u29KCbjWkEy4BEOPGX+2c9688y/+v0DTpSAQntptWF+P81OUNJhKV7d3LHA==",
"CardNumber": "************1111",
"CardExpMonth": "12",
"CardExpYear": "2030",
"CardBrand": {
"Id": 2,
"Code": "Visa",
"Description": "VISA"
"CardType": {
"Id": 1,
"Code": "Credit",
"Description": "CREDIT"
"Bin": "411111",
"CardHolderFullName": "John Smith",
"CardCvv": "[Filtered]",
"Address": {
"AddressLine": "Error MYCUSTOMERROR filter Authorization FirstInstallmentFinished",
"AddressLine2": "Apartment 1",
"City": "New York",
"Country": "US",
"State": "NY",
"Zip": "10016",
"FullAddressLine": "Error MYCUSTOMERROR filter Authorization FirstInstallmentFinished,Apartment 1,New York,NY,US"
"Token": null
"Result": true,
"PaymentMethod": "CreditCard"
"InstallmentNumber": 2,
"Amount": {
"Value": 60.5,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"OriginalAmount": {
"Value": 60.5,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"RefundAmount": {
"Value": 0,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"ProcessDateTime": "2022-11-07T17:28:39.96",
"IsRefund": false,
"RequiredCredit": {
"Value": 121,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"CreatedDateTime": "2022-10-07T17:28:10.537",
"Status": {
"Id": 4,
"Code": "Deleted",
"Description": "Deleted"
"TransactionResults": [],
"CardDetails": null,
"Result": null,
"PaymentMethod": "0"
"InstallmentNumber": 3,
"Amount": {
"Value": 60.5,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"OriginalAmount": {
"Value": 60.5,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"RefundAmount": {
"Value": 0,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"ProcessDateTime": "2022-10-07T17:29:35.473",
"IsRefund": false,
"RequiredCredit": {
"Value": 60.5,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"CreatedDateTime": "2022-10-07T17:29:35.12",
"Status": {
"Id": 3,
"Code": "Finished",
"Description": "Finished"
"TransactionResults": [
"GatewayTransactionId": "e323363a-2ba7-46da-a6fd-0ac80a915b10",
"SplititTransactionId": 0,
"SplititGatewayTransactionId": "9f26bdac-13a8-4828-8dd2-15972fa1ed55",
"GatewayResultCode": "1",
"GatewayResultMessage": "Capture Succeeded",
"OperationType": {
"Id": 2,
"Code": "Capture",
"Description": "Captured"
"GatewayResult": true,
"GatewayTransactionDate": "2022-10-07T17:29:35.44Z",
"IsChargeback": false,
"AVSResult": null,
"CVCResult": null
"GatewayTransactionId": "e323363a-2ba7-46da-a6fd-0ac80a915b10",
"SplititTransactionId": 0,
"SplititGatewayTransactionId": "1ed3bd5e-dea2-4efb-ae0a-c81f10e0294f",
"GatewayResultCode": "1",
"GatewayResultMessage": "Authorize Succeeded",
"OperationType": {
"Id": 1,
"Code": "Authorize",
"Description": "Approved"
"GatewayResult": true,
"GatewayTransactionDate": "2022-10-07T17:28:29.667Z",
"IsChargeback": false,
"AVSResult": null,
"CVCResult": null
"CardDetails": {
"CardId": "SMYwb/LMMbb782wYWyfck8DFcO8u29KCbjWkEy4BEOPGX+2c9688y/+v0DTpSAQntptWF+P81OUNJhKV7d3LHA==",
"CardNumber": "************1111",
"CardExpMonth": "12",
"CardExpYear": "2030",
"CardBrand": {
"Id": 2,
"Code": "Visa",
"Description": "VISA"
"CardType": {
"Id": 1,
"Code": "Credit",
"Description": "CREDIT"
"Bin": "411111",
"CardHolderFullName": "John Smith",
"CardCvv": "[Filtered]",
"Address": {
"AddressLine": "Error MYCUSTOMERROR filter Authorization FirstInstallmentFinished",
"AddressLine2": "Apartment 1",
"City": "New York",
"Country": "US",
"State": "NY",
"Zip": "10016",
"FullAddressLine": "Error MYCUSTOMERROR filter Authorization FirstInstallmentFinished,Apartment 1,New York,NY,US"
"Token": null
"Result": true,
"PaymentMethod": "CreditCard"
"SecureAuthorizations": [
"ProcessingDate": "2022-10-07T17:28:29.697",
"Amount": {
"Value": 60.5,
"Currency": {
"Symbol": "US$",
"Id": 1,
"Code": "USD",
"Description": "US Dollar"
"TransactionResults": [
"GatewayTransactionId": "e323363a-2ba7-46da-a6fd-0ac80a915b10",
"SplititTransactionId": 0,
"SplititGatewayTransactionId": null,
"GatewayResultCode": "1",
"GatewayResultMessage": "Authorize Succeeded",
"OperationType": {
"Id": 1,
"Code": "Authorize",
"Description": "Approved"
"GatewayResult": true,
"GatewayTransactionDate": "2022-10-07T17:28:29.667Z",
"IsChargeback": false,
"AVSResult": null,
"CVCResult": null
"CardDetails": {
"CardId": "SMYwb/LMMbb782wYWyfck8DFcO8u29KCbjWkEy4BEOPGX+2c9688y/+v0DTpSAQntptWF+P81OUNJhKV7d3LHA==",
"CardNumber": "************1111",
"CardExpMonth": "12",
"CardExpYear": "2030",
"CardBrand": {
"Id": 2,
"Code": "Visa",
"Description": "VISA"
"CardType": {
"Id": 1,
"Code": "Credit",
"Description": "CREDIT"
"Bin": "411111",
"CardHolderFullName": "John Smith",
"CardCvv": "[Filtered]",
"Address": {
"AddressLine": "Error MYCUSTOMERROR filter Authorization FirstInstallmentFinished",
"AddressLine2": "Apartment 1",
"City": "New York",
"Country": "US",
"State": "NY",
"Zip": "10016",
"FullAddressLine": "Error MYCUSTOMERROR filter Authorization FirstInstallmentFinished,Apartment 1,New York,NY,US"
"Token": null
"Result": true
"LogoUrl": null,
"IsInAutoRetry": false,
"PaymentMethod": "CreditCard",
"AllowCardUpdateOnSplititPortals": true,
"OnHoldLastOpenDate": null,
"OnHoldLastOpenUserId": null
"RefundDetails": {
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For additional information about Splitit webhooks, click here.