Payment Plans Management
Clicking Payment Plans in the left-hand-side menu will show you a chronological list of all transactions in your system, including Date, Time, Store Name, Order ID, Splitit Plan ID, Amount, Installment (i.e.,"1 of 6"), Status, Consumer Name, Fraud (status), Method (of payment) and Funded (whether plan has been funded). Use the search bar to search by Order ID, Plan ID, Name, or other fields. Specify the number of results to show per page at the bottom right of the window.
Filtering Payment Plans
For more granular manipulation of your data in the main window, you can click on the Filters button. In the dialogue, you can isolate your results by specifying a combination of Plan Number, Plan Amount, Reference Order number, Transaction Id, Consumer Email, Consumer Name, Card Number, Plan Statuses, or Fraud Status. Check the box to include test plans, plans on hold, and single installment plans in your filter. If you uncheck the box for All Dates, you can select dates to filter by, using a time frame or a calendar. Finally, click Search.
Transaction Details
Clicking into any transaction row in Payment Plans opens up the Transaction Details view of your shopper's plan. The menu on the left causes the main page to scroll to various sections related to payment plans and beneath it are actions you can perform.
Transaction Details View Sections
At the very top is the Transaction ID, The unique identifier for the payment plan:
Beneath that is a row pertaining to the shopper, that displays the shopper's name and contact information, including email, phone number and address:
Then you'll find a plan summary:
- Plan Amount: The total amount of the payment plan
- Outstanding: Any remaining balance yet to be paid
- Charged Amount: The total amount that has been charged so far
- Installments: The number and frequency of installments
- Status: The current status of the payment plan
- Fraud Status: Indicates if the transaction has been approved or flagged for fraud
You can use the arrows at left and right to scroll through your transactions.
Order Details
This section has various information relating to the order that started the plan:
- Order ID: Unique identifier for the order
- Splitit Plan ID: Identifier for the Splitit payment plan
- Source: The origin of the transaction
- Terminal: The terminal used for the transaction
- Funding Type: Information on the funding type
- Payment Method: The method used for payment
- Store Name: The name of the store where the purchase was made
- Strategy: Details about the payment strategy
Payment History
Payment history shows when and what the shopper has paid already, including authorizations.
- Date & Time: Timestamp of each payment transaction.
- Status: The status of each transaction.
- Amount: The amount for each transaction
- Installment: Information about the installment
Clicking on the down arrow at right, brings up a window showing the card number used, along with the sequence of transactions underlying the payment:
Upcoming Payments
The Upcoming Payments section shows the remaining installments left on the plan:
- Date & Time: Time for upcoming payment
- Card: Card that will be used
- Amount: Amount of payment
- Installment: Number of installment within plan
Clicking on the down arrow at right brings up a window showing more information about the card number that will used for the payment, along with the transaction that will drive the payment:
Under refunds, you can see total refunds and deductions from the plan.
Audit Log
Takes you out of Transaction Details to the Audit Log.
Beneath the navigation are various actions you can perform, including printing statements, updating cards, marking disputes, and refunding and canceling plans.
- Print Statement: Prints a summary statement of the payment plan
- Update Card: Adds a new card for the plan
- Mark in Dispute: Marks a transaction as disputed
- Cancel Plan: Cancels a plan
- Full Refund: Initiates a full refund for the payment plan
- Partial Refund: Processes a partial refund for specific transactions within the payment plan
Plan Statuses
Plans listed in the Transaction Details window can have the following statuses:
- Cleared - Plan is paid in full; all payments are cleared
- Delayed - Plan has been on “Pending CC (Credit Card) Update" for more than 90 days or there is a transactional issue
- Deleted - Pending approval/authorization that was deleted by the system, after expiring. These are most likely non-recent, abandoned carts
- Initializing - The plan is in the process of being created: If payment is not authorized after several hours, the plan will turn into status “Deleted.” These are most likely recent abandoned carts
- In Progress- Active Plan with one or more installments charged
- Pending Approval - Email has been sent to the shopper to approve the plan (please keep in mind, this email will expire after a period of time)
- Pending CC Update - Plan was declined by the gateway due to insufficient funds, expiration date, or other reasons. New card details need to be provided by the shopper, within seven days
- Pending Shipment - Plan is only authorized, not charged. Once the goods are marked as “shipped” in a plugin or in the portal, the first charge will begin
- Canceled - The plan was canceled (typically refunded as well), meaning no more installments are set to be collected.