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Issuer Webhooks

Splitit provides a means for issuers to receive real-time data through webhooks. Issuers can register endpoints for any of the following events:


Each time a new plan is created, a webhook is issued.

{   "Bin": "342456", 
"PlanCreatedDate": "2023-11-12T14:14:34.78",
"InstallmentPlanNumber": "85335675436676297716",
"NumberOfInstallments": 7,
"Frequency": "Monthly",
"Amount": 111.00,
"Currency": "USD",
"MerchantName": "Acme Co."


When an installment payment is successfully collected, a webhook is issued.

{   "Bin": "241979", 
"CollectionDate": "2023-11-12T14:15:10.802154+00:00",
"InstallmentPlanNumber": "65082622941086970588",
"ResponseCode": "Capture_29GI0A4TL0LM8C5P2CW1L64F3BL0YRSB",
"Amount": 15.85,
"Currency": "USD",
"RemainingAmount": 95.15,
"RemainingInstallments": 6


When a plan is refunded by the merchant in full or part, a webhook is issued.

{   "Bin": "661640", 
"PlanCreatedDate": "2023-11-12T14:14:34.78",
"PlanRefundDate": "2023-11-12T14:20:39.0326103Z",
"RefundAmount": 10.0,
"PlanAmount": 111.00,
"Currency": "USD",
"RemainingAmount": 79.30,
"ResponseCode": "31148d30-03zs-5ds1-bt21-c1894hh3218s",
"TotalPaidAmount": -79.30,
"RemainingInstallments": 8


When Splitit utilizes a fallback means to collect an installment due, a webhook is issued. In other words, an installment that failed to be collected in the regular flow went into credit card rejection status, and eventually Splitit succeeded in capturing it in full.

{    "Bin": "071220", 
"CollectionDate": "2023-11-12T14:24:33.1295137+00:00",
"InstallmentPlanNumber": "65227502745222967414",
"ResponseCode": "Capture_4F0G4BDY8NZHT0L34KRPLUU9D0K4LXHK",
"Amount": 79.3,
"Currency": "USD"


When an installment payment authorization is declined, a webhook is issued.

"Bin": "988531",
"CollectionDate": "2023-11-12T15:55:40.1199271+00:00",
"InstallmentPlanNumber": "73295979614518437154",
"ResponseCode": "Capture_7D8EEFE19CB04AC99EB80566B7543857",
"FailureReason": "SomeErrorCode",
"FailureAmount": 31.71


When Splitit is notified of, or receives a chargeback against a plan or payment, a webhook is issued.

"Bin": "726024",
"PlanCreatedDate": "2023-11-12T16:47:56.07",
"ChargebackDate": "2023-11-12T16:49:08.9527608Z",
"InstallmentPlanNumber": "88732563231706163231",
"ChargebackReason": "Set-Liabilty-Merchant",
"ChargebackAmount": 110.1


Each time new-plan creation is attempted but fails, a webhook is issued.

"Bin": "502678",
"PlanOriginationDate": "2023-11-13T10:16:46.04",
"InstallmentPlanNumber": "31234944122348873352",
"FailureReason": "InsufficientFunds",
"Amount": 2960,
"Currency": "USD",
"MerchantName": "The Shield"


When a plan is satisfied or closed, a webhook is issued.

"Bin": "502678",
"PlanCreatedDate": "2023-11-13T10:16:46.04",
"PlanEndDate": "2023-11-13T10:17:53.06",
"InstallmentPlanNumber": "31234944122348873352",
"Currency": "USD",
"TotalPaidAmount": 2960,
"RemainingInstallments": 0