📄️ Introduction
The Chargebacks API allows merchants to manage open disputes via API, rather in the [Merchant Hub](https://hub.splitit.com) (which has identical functionality). The Chargebacks API provides endpoints to accept chargebacks (decline to fight them), get information about chargebacks, submit and delete evidence for chargebacks, and submit and delete comments for chargebacks. Things to know-
📄️ Get Splitit Token
Authenticate using your *client_id* and *client_secret* from your [merchant hub](https://hub.sandbox.splitit.com) (Splitit support will also have to enable Chargeback API access for you).
📄️ Get All Chargebacks
Returns a list of all open chargebacks against the merchant. Supports pagination. You can optionally specify a date range and/or status type. A successful response includes extensive info about the dispute, including created date, id, due date, etc.
📄️ Get a Single Chargeback
Returns a single chargeback that was opened against the merchant. A successful response includes creation date, dispute ID, due date, a list of submitted evidence and comments, etc.
📄️ Accept a Chargeback
For an open dispute, you can choose not to fight back but rather to accept the chargeback. After this call is performed, you will not be able to add/remove evidence or comments.
📄️ Upload Evidence
For an open dispute, you have the ability to upload a file as evidence. It can be submitted until the *DueDate* value (as returned in responses from the *Get* endpoints). After the *DueDate* it will return an appropriate error. Note that the max file size for a piece of evidence is 4MB. A successful response records only the single evidence submitted (and includes evidence id, time of submission, file name and type, etc.).
📄️ Delete Evidence
For an open dispute, you have the ability to delete previously submitted evidence. It can be deleted up until the due date of the dispute (you can receive *DueDate* back from the *Get* endpoints). After the due date, an error will be returned. Note that you can delete one or more pieces of evidence with a single call.
📄️ Add Comment
You can also add a textual comment to your dispute up until its due date (after the due date, an appropriate error will be returned). A successful response will include the single comment that was submitted (not all comments).
📄️ Delete Comment
You can delete a comment up until your dispute's due date (after the due date, an appropriate error will be returned). A successful response will include the single comment that was deleted (not all comments).
📄️ Create a Chargeback
Merchants with the proper permissions can create a chargeback in the Splitit system (you may want to do this, for example, if you received notice of a chargeback from your processor). Created chargebacks have *Open* status.
📄️ Update Chargeback Status
Change the status of a chargeback upon receiving notification from your provider (your account must have the proper permissions to call this endpoint).