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Get Splitit Token



Authenticate using your client_id and client_secret from your merchant portal (Splitit support will also have to enable reports API access for you).

For testing purposes, you can authenticate directly in the Request box on this page (at right). For grant_type, enter client_credentials, for scope enter dataretrieval.api reportingSystem.config.api reportingSystem.operation.api, then enter your client_id and client_secret. Scroll down and press SEND API REQUEST. In the response, copy your access_token and then paste it in the Bearer Token box. You can now use your token to execute the other endpoints in this API reference.

  • Note that unlike the other endpoint, your authentication payload should use the format application/x-www-form-urlencoded.




    grant_type string

    i.e. client_credentials

    scope string

    i.e. dataretrieval.api reportingSystem.config.api reportingSystem.operation.api

    client_id string

    e.g. APIUser000032201

    client_secret string

    e.g. sU9tOVHOcM6jPOjjWZpXZs4V0cmc01BZfChF5afrj71Dz2COn2




    access_token string

    The bearer token to add to your header

    expires_in integer

    How long token will last

    token_type string

    Type of token

    scope string

    The scope granted to your request
